15 Ways To Increase Your Sales

Here are 15 ways to increase your sales.  These are just 15 out of the list of over 50 we will be publishing in our new ebook coming soon. In the meantime we invite you to go through this list and tick at least 5 that you think will make a difference for  you if you apply them immediately and consistently over the next few weeks and beyond.

  1. Increase sales  activity by 10% each week and results will accumulate over timeiStock_000008754038_ExtraSmall
  2. Ask for a sale every time (if you don’t ask, you don’t get!)
  3. Schedule “follow-up” in your diary regularly, i.e. “Follow up Friday” and follow up, follow up, follow up
  4. Keep a note of your potentials away from your CRM (if you have one, which you should if you want to grow)
  5. Keep notes on all verbal communications (to improve the quality of your follow up conversations)
  6. Arrange a yearly review with past and current customers
  7. Review your sales process (have a sales process!)
  8. Plan and rehearse, rehearse, rehearse your pitch (a version for 40-60 seconds, one for 2-3 minutes)
  9. Create a structure for your sales meetings so you manage it and it fulfills the purpose for both parties
  10. Set clear activity and sales targets every month and week
  11. Pick up the phone to call rather than rely on email, especially if it’s a potential customer
  12. Plan every important call to ensure you are clear on your intentions and are fully prepared to make the most of it
  13. Re-contact past potentials that went cold with something different or new
  14. Identify your qualification questions (those which will identify if someone is a potential for you)
  15. Prepare for handling objections (so you are not thrown when the inevitable happens!)

So which 5 jump out to you as needing some work right now?

Create a plan of implementation for each one of the five you select.  What will you do and when?  How will you know you’ve achieved what you want in this area?

If you want to increase your sales then it doesn’t require a massive change in what you’re doing but a little improvement in a number of areas will accumulate into better results.  The most important factor is that you are consistent in your activity.