Small Business Owners and Procrastination

The definition of Procrastination is pretty simple – it’s when you put off essential tasks until a later time, sometimes indefinitely!   Often essential tasks are done instead of the more critical ones.

How often do you focus on something like going through your emails rather than the more critical stuff like calling a potential customer?  Or if you are going through a particularly difficult time you may take this to the extreme and be doing anything but work to avoid the really critical things you must do!!!!

The effects of procrastination may not be so simple and it could be one of the biggest challenges you will have to overcome to succeed and grow your business.

Before I say any more check out this hilarious video by Elen Degeneres on procrastination………………………

Isn’t that funny….how do you see yourself in that?  Isn’t it good to laugh about it!

For some reason we have an emotional reaction when we have to do something we don’t want to do, don’t enjoy doing, or are convinced we simply cannot do.  As a small business owner you are likely to have to do many things you don’t want to do, don’t enjoy doing, or are convinced you can’t do, so it’s not a surprise if you procrastinate.

What areas do you procrastinate the most?

A little bit of self analysis in this area is really useful.  Really self evaluating and questioning your feelings and actions around a task is the first step to stop procrastinating and behaving more proactively in the areas that most significant to your success.

Procrastination will be no more common than in sales and new business development.  This is an area that many business owners don’t want to do, don’t enjoy doing, or are convinced they can’t do.  Even when you have a huge amount of experience in sales like me, you can still fall into this trap.  But we don’t have to stay there!